Rare Barbie on Prep RAW and fulfilling my shameless guilt
Politics trash perspective
will I make up an explanation for you to trust in? Can it be as important as a note about to be willing to and if translate buying you everything you want to make your own or understanding go ahead under my- under what?
Natrasha Onion putting up a a show. this month 19 October I’d love support . In Oslo cc:0 and Bar- After the show -clubbing @sentrumsenterforsamtiden
Including drinks
I love trash -nonsensnonsense from you to say you don’t have any sense whatsoever but I do believe in you so you are the best person I know of and I’m sure you will get there eventually but I’m sure you’ll make a difference in the end of your pictures made of plastic and paint and cotton fabric from a unknown manufacturer and known manufacturer 50/50 - 100 moral of all good things is the same as the bad
To understand nothing but what we are seeing as individuals and the versions comes with the exception of understanding something someone else not understanding but creating with paint and words.
play-paint-canvas-text-performance-fun-mad-understand-free-poorlcolorfdesigned as it is and notart attempts to make a point of it as well but the fact is it is not always a good thing to be able to do it and the way you can make it seem like- and it’s not the same thing every time when you are in collaboration with autocorrect and it’s pretty self as a technical device or a digital pattern that is very similar to a simple one and just like us using time to get trough against our own enemies in our own self ma up stuff to get the rest out of the way of the game we created and not noticeable but smart enough to smell the difference between them and the rest of us all
as the same thing as nonsensical-realness
love you are so cute I love you so very sexy you look very sexy I love your outfit you look very pretty and very hot I hope you are really ecostume design happymeal at drive troughs fast fashion food shame and I’m sure you’ll like it too-
Im lazy im a bit crazy I create and I experience things that are happening in my mind and I am just trying to get my head back to where it is and not just the way it was before-
I also care about bigger things and things like this are just so important - and so much more important than the things that I have been through lately. and at the moment just the fact that the people who are responsible for nothing are just another dumb crisis that doesn’t exist in this world and we all know & how stupid it feels to be in a society like ours-
known and unknown moral 50/50-100% of something that I could stand for and forgetting everything that’s happened since day to day in the fast period of making less something like that and not being able to say something about it or even think about what happened to us in this game or future fiction of the past
the endange status of the ending is the same as the start of a new story or story about it or a series of events in which we are told about it or something like this and then you know that it happened to us all and we just don’t it anymore because it’s not true or false
in and out of context and it’s not true but it’s true that you are the one who made the decision to be the first one to get a job in the last few years that was not a good idea to do so I guess it’s just not the same as it used to but it’s not that hard to understand because it’s the way we all feel about things and we are all different in our own ways and we are just trying to understand and communicate so it’s all about how much more of our life we can risk of getting it is just like we don’t know what we’re trying to be careful about
Pretending to like a man who doesn’t care about you is not a crime against humanity or a criminal act against you or anyone who is against the majority of people who do not respect ordinary human rights in this safe fantasy .
Trash but no shame
donate a dollar or make me puke tar tar dontaing wishes from imaginary rich boifriensiu best part
m-to-natty-cash flow
no more pretending being poor